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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long does it take to be appointed a Mentor?
    Typically availability of Mentors is limited. Specific requirements may take longer to fulfil. We will let you know as soon as we have found a suitable counterpart, but please feel free to email us if you have any questions.
  • What happens if I want to change Mentor/Mentee?
    If you email us and explain the situation, we will be happy to see if we can match you up with a new Mentor/Mentee.
  • What’s the situation with regard to confidentiality?
    We expect a high level of business ethics from all our members and any information you share with yourMentor/Mentee should be treated as confidential.
  • How long does it take to be appointed a Mentor?
    Typically availability of Mentors is limited. Specific requirements may take longer to fulfil. We will let you know as soon as we have found a suitable counterpart, but please feel free to email us if you have any questions.
  • What’s the situation with regard to confidentiality?
    We expect a high level of business ethics from all our members and any information you share with yourMentor/Mentee should be treated as confidential.

  • Who has access to the information I share with the Program?
    The information you provide through the Program’s questionnaire is shared with members of ICCS Board and potential Mentors/Mentees. This information will be deleted within 2 years of you cancelling your ICCS membership or upon written request to do so.

  • Should I sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement)
    If you are sharing company confidential information with your Mentor, we suggest that you put an NDA in place and ensure that there are no conflicts of interest or that your Mentor’s integrity is not compromised by that information.
  • Is there a charge for participating in the Program?
    There are no charges for participation in the ICCS Mentor Program. Mentors and Mentees are free to come to any other mutual decision regarding fees.
  • How many meetings are included in the Program and how long is a meeting?
    The Program provides for a minimum of three (3) meetings, free of charge and each of at least 60 minutesMentors and Mentees are free to come to any other mutual decision regarding number and length of further meetings.
  • How do I get in touch with the Program?
    Please mail
Hovslagargatan 5, 111 48 Stockholm

Organisation Nr. 802514-7623

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